综艺《纪录片: BBC之恐怖真相第一季》全集完整版免费在线观看地址由策驰影视为您提供。 True Horror is a factual supernatural documentary series, made by October Films, for Discovery Eur综艺《纪录片: BBC之恐怖真相第一季》全集完整版免费在线观看地址由策驰影视为您提供。 True Horror is a factual supernatural documentary series, made by October Films, for Discovery Europe. Topics will include vampires, de mons, witches and exorcism, with Anthony Head interviewing the experts. 恶魔、女巫、吸血鬼、狼人与殭尸,都是挑动我们恐怖想像的狠角色。 吸血鬼的故事来自於远东地区,随着商贾的贸易路线流传至东欧。现代吸血鬼传说则以东欧为根据地。 巫师在古代文化中,原指身怀魔力,能够预见未来的女祭司或女智者。详情